
9 questions to: Wiebke Clef from ADDITION

 “I want to create pieces and patterns that are missing in the fair fashion range so far.” When Wiebke Clef celebrated the 10th anniversary of her fashion store glore Hamburg, she wanted to add something of her own and something better to the world of fashion. It doesn’t come as a surprise that she called her own fair fashion brand ADDITION. In our Almost Interview she talks about team spirit and typical untypical days in her life.

Who are you and what is your brand ADDITION about?

 I am Wiebke, a 40-year-old fair fashion retailer who loves nature walks, colors and her little family. ADDITION is about adding something better.

We want to share skills, work together with other designers and brands and create great things that matter together.


What is the mission behind your designs?

Basically, it’s pretty simple. I want to expand the range in my store and of course in my own wardrobe. I want to create pieces and patterns that are missing in the fair fashion range so far. We are always on the mission to promote fair fashion and conscious consumption.


How did you come up with the idea to start your own fashion brand?

 Last year we wanted to celebrate our 10th anniversary of glore Hamburg with our own special products. At the end everything turned out differently because of the pandemic and we couldn’t celebrate our store’s birthday. We still had our products that were so convinced of and decided to present them in the right setting. And that’s the moment ADDITION was born.



What role does your community play for you and your day to day work?

A mutual exchange is super important for me. I’m good at coming up with ideas and not afraid of making decisions, but I always need feedback. I think we can only develop ourselves and our ideas in exchange with others. Teamwork is very important to me.


Have you ever been employed in a big company or similarly before?

No, not really. I’ve been employed in a small agency for three months in my life - and it was horrible. There wasn’t any team spirit to be found and everyone told me to be different than I am. I was supposed to act louder and not that restrained. After this experience I could not imagine working for an agency ever again. Ever since I am self-employed and try to make things better for my employees. I love being responsible for everything on my own and really enjoy doing what I want. That’s an amazing feeling and I really appreciate it.


What does a typical workday look like for you?

 Honestly, there are no typical workdays, every day is different. I try to be in the office at similar times to see my team. But my tasks are different every day and there are always new ones coming up. My job has been changing continuously for the past 11 years. It is exhausting, challenging but still absolutely fantastic.



What are you especially proud of?

 I am especially proud of my team. They always support me, have my back and endure my moods. We just walk this whole path together, sometimes they correct me and my direction and that’s incredibly important. The fact that we work together so well makes me really proud.


What does independence mean to you?

 Having the freedom to do what I want and whenever I want.


What other inspiring independent label can you recommend?

 I love Kowtow and The Boyscouts - they both do really great jobs!

Thank you!